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The weights screen can be found under the inventory tab of the online inventory platform. This screen contains all information related to partial (open) inventory items.

Dashboard > Inventory > Weights

Names & Views

You will notice many things when you first open this screen:

The Station and Section will tell you where the item was weighed. You will also see the Barcode followed by the Class, Category,  Name, and Size. This last one (Size) will help you if you have multiple size options for a single item.

You can click on the Arrows next to each option to adjust how the list is seen.

Reading Inventory

One of the most important parts of this screen is where you can see the Last Period Weight, This Period Weight, and Volume Difference. This is clearly important as it shows us the inventory and how it fluctuates from one period to the next.


You will notice that some items have an arrow with a number next to it. An orange arrow pointing up means growth that’s unexplained.

A red arrow pointing down means loss that’s unexplained.

A purple arrow means that the weight is outside the parameters of the item itself. It weighs more than the full weight or less than the empty weight.

A black arrow means growth or loss that is in the range of “normal.”

Editing Inventory

You can also change the current period’s weights on this screen. All you need to do is type the new number in This Period Weight section of the item you wish to update.

A pop-up box will appear on the screen, letting you know that the item has been updated. You will also notice the This Period Weight box has turned green after you have changed an item.

Note: If you don’t want to see the pop-up box every time, you can check the “Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs.”

Adding Weights

You can add a New Weight by clicking the Add Weights button on the right side of the screen.

Fill out the pop-up box and click the Add button when ready.


Clicking the Undo Manual Edits button will undo any edits that you have made on the platform.

To Delete an item check the box next to said item, then click the Delete button on the right of the screen.


You can search for a specific item by typing in the Search bar at the top of the screen:

Or, as always, you can utilize the Ctrl + F feature:

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