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The report column, COGs, has been split into two separate columns providing a more granular reporting metric. This was implemented due to a large amount of demand. Please read below for an in-depth explanation of each.

Dashboard > Reports> (Any / Most Reports) > Customize


“Used (cost)”: Actual COGS based on what is used. This is formerly the COGs column header that has been in existence on the platform.

Used Cost = ((Prev. On-hand Cost + Purchase Cost) – On-hand Cost)

“Sold (cost)”: Theoretical COGS based on what the POS provides for sales.

Sold Cost = (On-hand Unit Cost * Sold Qty)

In the example below, note the difference between the two columns. This information allows a client to see the costs associated with what Sales identify vs. the actual usages that have been measured by our teams.

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