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Sculpture Hospitality’s Inventory platform integrates directly with US Foods to receive invoices digitally, directly into the system, for United States clients. There is no cost associated with this integration as it is a direct integration with US Foods via SFTP.


The following information is required for you to connect your client’s US Foods invoices directly into the system.

  • Sculpture Client ID Number
  • USF Customer Account Number
  • USF Account Manager Name
  • USF Store Name
  • USF Store Number

Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is as follows :

  1. Completing the form below generates a message to US Foods to request the specific information required for us to make the connection.
  2. The US Foods team coordinates with the USF Territory Manager for location approval.
  3. Once locally approved, the US Foods team approves by responding to our integrations specialist with 1/3rd of the Account ID of the necessary information for the connection. ** Note – this may take some time and US Foods may reach out to your client to verify, and the Account Manager is verified as well.
  4. US Foods sends the other 2/3rds, the Username & FTP Password to the client. The Franchisee or Client will need to provide this to Corporate as we have no transparency into this.
  5. With US Food’s response, and the information gathered from the client, Sculpture Support connects the client internally using the Username, Password, and Account Number.
  6. Upon connection, Sculpture Support will notify the requesting individual of the completion of the connection.

Access Requirements

US Food’s security policy requires that the USERNAME and PASSWORD be sent to the client to be delegated to whomever chooses.

  • Account Number: {Provided to SH Corp upon Approval}
  • Username: {Sent to Owner of Establishment by US Foods}
  • FTP Password:{Sent to Owner of Establishment by US Foods}

Submission Form

To start your integration, gather all the required information outlined in the Preparation section and complete the following form :

After completing this submission form, an email is generated to US Foods with all the required information. US Foods will contact the Territory Manager and potentially the manager/owner of the requested location for 3rd-party verification. Once verified, US Foods sends Sculpture Support the necessary details to finalize the connection. Once connected, Sculpture Support will reach out to confirm. This process can take up to 4 weeks to complete.

Sculpture Information

Franchise Contact Information. If an employee is submitting this, please put the contact information of the franchisee. All contact details are required and will be used by US Foods in the situation where a question arises regarding this submission.

Sculpture Client ID for Connection

The Name of the servicing franchisee

Your registered Business Name

The Number that US Foods would use to Contact you

The Email of the Franchisee (for receipt)

The Address that your registered Business Name receives mail to

Client Information

Required Client Information for US Foods when verification is required. Providing invalid information may cause delays in US Foods validating the client and creating the connection.

The Full Legal Business Name of the client or "Company Name", no nicknames.

Provide the full street address, city, state, and zipcode

Name of person US Foods will Contact

Email Contact of Owner/Manager

Phone Number of Owner/Manager

US Foods Account Information

Information located on the US Foods Invoice, or within the customer portal, that is required to make the connection between the two organizations.

Account Manager information should be present on the invoice, otherwise, the client will know their main point of contact.

Customer Account #'s can be found on the printed US Foods invoice.

Store Name can be found on the printed US Foods invoice.

Store Numbers can be found on the printed US Foods Invoice.

Authorize Email to US Foods

By submitting this form, an email will be sent directly to US Food's Business integration team. Only one submission is needed per client.

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How long does this take to set up?

  • This depends on US Food’s response time, day of submission, and responsiveness of the Account Manager, but typically it is 5-7 business days.

How do I know I have the integration enabled within my system?

  • Within Purchases, a user will see a new feature allowing you to download invoices from US Foods.

Invoices are missing from US Food, who do I contact?

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