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Every single inventory item that exists within an item database has data associated with it. This data is not the attributes or information about the item itself, but client-specific data related to counts, purchases, unit price, and more.

Further, the items within Item Setup are all shared among multiple clients, deleting an item is not an option as it would create data holes not on in a single client but in all. To alleviate this, we have the Merge Function. It allows a user to move items in any manner within a few sets of rules.

  • Items must be of the same volume (no merging 1000ml bottles with 750ml bottles)
  • Items must be complete
  • Items must be of the same class (no merging a beer and wine)

A Merge and Unmerge, are the same thing if you think of merge as “move”. When you Merge Add(move) you are moving a Child Item from one parent to the next. When you Merge Replace, you are copying items that are duplicate into a single target item. In the example below, I demonstrate both.

If you Merge Add(move) the 1000 ml Bottle from one Parent to the Next, but then Merge/Replace the two items together as one is a dummy item. The Merge/Replace can be utilized in a scenario where two items were built, and have been identified as actually being the same item, with custom bar codes or “other”.

Video Tutorial

Feel free to review the step-by-step video tutorial, hosted by Ian Foster, on the steps he uses to unmerge items in the online inventory system.


Step 1: Building

Say you took two items and merged them under one parent, and need them separated out again. You simply build a dummy item with the name you want, then merge it into that dummy item. So, for example, if you have these two bottles under a single parent item.

Though you want to separate them out to be their own. You will need to do the following:

Build a second parent item and name it differently with a dummy bar code. We suggest using the one for the item you want but add a “1-“. Use all the information of the original item.

Once complete, you will then merge – add from one to the other.

Step 2: Merging

Select the two dots as seen below

Replace with the target being the item you wish to keep.

The reason why we need to move it in this manner is to keep/maintain the integrity of any data that may be associated with the item being “removed” or absorbed.

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