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Revenues are assigned to individual items as ingredients within a Drink Mix. Revenue will be accurate as long as all sold drink mixes, within the current period, are complete, assigned ingredients appropriately, and the ingredients have an on-hand value.

Negative Revenue

Negative Price

A drink mix should not allow for a negative price to be input as for a Drink Mix. In the event that this has occurred, the outcome will be a negative revenue.


  1. Open Sales & Drink Mixes
  2. Select Sales & Drink Mix Setup
  3. Sort the Price Column of your Sales & Drink Mixes so that the smallest is at the top

Missing Revenue

The source of a missing revenue can typically be traced to an item that is missing a unit cost, or an incomplete drink mix.

Missing Unit Cost

See Troubleshooting Cost Issues

Incomplete Drink mix

All Drink Mixes sold within a period are required to have an assigned ingredient with a quantity for revenue to be calculated. If revenue is missing at a Summary or Variance level, a user must identify the root of the issue, starting at the brand/item level.


  1. Identify the specific UPC, Item, and Brand that is missing revenue.
  2. Generate the Drink Mix Report, search for the specific item, and ensure that each drink mix using this item has a Regular Price associated with it.
  3. While reviewing the Drink Mix Report, ensure that all drink mixes using this item display a Quantity and unit of measure in the “Name” column.
  4. Navigate to Sales & Drink Mixes, sort your columns by the “( ! )” column and complete all drink mixes containing a “Total Qty” column.

Revenue Potential

Revenue Potential is calculated using the variables of Missing, Revenue, and Sold. These are calculated by means of other formulas, thus identifying the source of the issue may require digging into each variable of the formula.

Drink Mix Setup

If the Revenue Potential appears inaccurate, the first step in the troubleshooting process would be to review the way the drink mixes are set up and the options that are currently set up to calculate the potential value.

  • Are all drink mixes complete?
  • Are the drink mixes using generic ingredients?

Calculation Settings

The next step in the troubleshooting process would be to review the options that are currently selected setup to calculate the potential value in the report.

This can be done by:

  1. Accessing the client in question
  2. Navigate to the appropriate period
  3. Select the report displaying the Revenue Potential issue
  4. Select “Customize” in the top right corner
  5. Select the “Miscellaneous” tab

If the Revenue Potential that is being calculated is associated with a drink mix utilizing generic ingredients such as “Any (Class)“, and the box is check to calculate revenue potential at the category level, none of the generic sales will be balanced, resulting in a high revenue potential.
A resolution to the scenario above would be:

A) Correct drink mixes to use specific ingredients over generic, leaving the box checked.

B) Correct drink mix ingredients to be “Any (Category)“, allowing for the over/short columns to calculate appropriately, leaving the box checked.

C) Uncheck the Box (pictured above), allowing “Any (Class)” overages to be balanced at the class total lines. Doing so will display Class totals as an overage and there will be NO revenue potential.

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