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Costs are assigned to individual items through the use of an Invoice or the Missing Cost Check tool. The Sculpture System does not support general/default item cost, as each on-hand item must be accounted for by an invoice or assigned a cost using the cost check tool.

Missing Cost Tool

The missing cost check tool is designed to assist a user in identifying inventory items that exist as on-hand in the current period with no ($0.00) cost by either a count/weight or as an ingredient in a batch mix or drink mix with associated sales.

The Missing Cost Tool can be found when generating any report.

Negative Costs

A negative cost can be related to a number of issues, all of which should be resolved prior to completing an inventory audit. A negative cost is typically derived from improper use of an invoice, or use of a cost tool in the current and/or previous period.

Negative Used (Cost)

Used (cost) displays the value of the product that has been measured as a usage. If an item is displaying a negative Used (cost), a logical step to resolution would be to do the following:

Open Reports in Browser Tabs

  1. Generate a Detail Purchase Report.
  2. Generate a Detail Category Variance Report, review item information displayed within the “Show All Manual Cost Overwrites” feature in the current & previous period.
  3. Generate a Detail Category Accounting Report, inclusive of the columns; Prev. On-Hand (cost), Purchases (cost), On-Hand (cost), Used (cost), in the current & previous periods.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. While reviewing the Detail Purchase Report, take note of the issue item’s purchase history. Specifically compare the Bar Code, Item Size, Unit Cost and Purchases columns. If the issue is related to an assigned cost, a purchase may have been incorrectly input by individual item barcode, or item size as opposed to a case or larger grouping, or vice versa.
  2. If step 1 did not resolve, review the current and previous Show All Manual Cost Overwriteslogs for accuracy. If the item has had cost overwritten in both periods, ensure that the UPCs match in both, the costs are the same, and that an invoice is present to account for any product growth. If the inventory level has grown since the previous period and there is no invoice to account for this increase, a cost issue may occur.
  3. If step 2 did not resolve, a user should review their Detail Category Accounting Report and identify the row of the particular brand displaying a missing Used (cost) in Red. The red value is a calculation between the Prev. On-Hand (cost), Purchase (cost), & On-Hand (cost), if any value is missing, and the Used (cost) is negative, the missing value is your key indicator.

Negative On-Hand (Cost)

On-Hand (cost) displays the total value of the product that has been measured as existing on-hand in the current period through a field representative. If an item is displaying a negative On-Hand (cost), a logical step to resolution would be to do the following:

Open Reports in Browser Tabs

  1. Generate a Detail Category Variance Report, inclusive of the columns; Prev. On-Hand (cost), Purchases (cost), On-Hand, On-Hand (unit cost), & On-Hand (cost)

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. While reviewing the Detail Category Variance Report, identify the item in question and ensure the item has a positive On-Hand value. If there is a negative on-hand value in place, this must be addressed immediately to correct the issue. Negative on-hand values can be a result of the following:
    • improper requisitions / transfers
    • improper item setup (captured weight issues)
  2. If step 1 did not resolve, a user should verify that the item has a positive On-Hand (unit cost). If a negative is present, a user should review their use of any tool that has the potential to generate a negative On-Hand (unit cost).
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