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Feature Overview

The issues below are related to the Email & Batch Reports function of the Online Sculpture inventory platform. This feature utilizes a 3rd-party email service to send an email containing a PDF report that was generated by the online platform. This PDF file contains a number of pre-configured reports, comments, and notes from a specific period about a client.

Less Secure Apps

If you see an error when attempting to set up your account and if you’re using a personal non-sculpture @gmail.com address, you may need to turn on “less secure app” access. Please sign into the @gmail.com account you intend on using to send your email from the system. Once signed in, click the link below and slide the slider to ON status.


By default, all @sculpturehospitality.com accounts have less secure apps turned on therefore if you are having an issue and you are using your @sculpturehospitality.com account within the setup, you more than likely have entered the incorrect password. Confirm your password is correct by visiting www.gmail.com and log into your @sculpturehospitality.com account by entering your full email address and password.

SMTP Connection Error

When attempting to send, if a user is presented with the error:

“Message could not be sent: SMTP Connect() Failed.”

This is a sign that the Inventory Platform cannot access your third-party email system. In other words, the login/password for the email is incorrect, and/or something has occurred that is not allowing it to speak with your email account.

A resolution is to reconfigure the email account login/password through setup.

Print to PDF Issues

Some have noted they see the various pages of the PDF are cut off or the report is not presented nicely within the created PDF document. To remedy this, users may need to change their PRINT TO PDF to do so in landscape mode. The setting can be altered from within the document, or the print orientation itself. Below is the most common method to change this.

  1. Click or tap in the document.
  2. Go to File > Print, and then select Page Setup.
  3. Under Page Setup, make sure the orientation box says Landscape.
  4. Select Ok.
  5. Select Print.

Odd Characters/Blank

If your Batch Report is blank, or the formatting on reports is incorrect, verify that all reports that are included in the report are configured. Specifically:

  • Management Report(s)
  • iPar Reports


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