Looking for something Else?

Note: This system is designed to work with a GMAIL account and will save all sent emails to the account as a log.

Chrome and other browsers may also automatically fill in the wrong username and password when a user is attempting to configure your email (autofill). Chrome uses the email login and password of the platform you are currently logged into, not their actual Gmail credentials. A user may be misled to believe that it’s already filled in

Configuration Settings


The setup configuration of the email settings for the Batch Reports system will allow you to email a standardized report directly to a client from a personal email or a centralized account for monitoring and tracking. Our system offers two different options for connection, either via simple SMTP or authenticated Googe/Gmail via OAuth services.

Important Note:

Google is discontinuing the use of SMTP via Less Secure Applications. SMTP should be used for all non-gmail email servers.


SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a generic way to easily provide a website or system the ability to send emails as your account. This setup and configuration information will need to be located from your email provider.

SMTP Host – ex. smtp.gmail.com or smtp-mail.outlook.com: This is the identification of the email server to be used to send data using the SMTP protocol

SMTP PORT – Commonly 25, 465, 587, or 2525. See your server settings to be sure.

SMTP Encryption Method – Standard encryption is TLS or STARTTLS. See your server setting to be sure.

SMTP Username – Email Login Username: Username of account to send from. This will be displayed as the email account which sent the report

SMTP Password – Email Login Password: Password of account login provided above.

“From” Label – Name to be displayed as “From”: The “From” Label will be displayed before the email that is configured for this account

Email Signature – Simple Text Signature: All emails will include a Line of separation and an image logo. The text provided here will act as the closing of the message

Gmail via OAuth

Connecting via Gmail is as easy as signing in via your email account to approve or allow access. Selecting “Connect Gmail” will open the standard 3rd-Party access approval screen, similar to that of logging into something with any of the major providers.

To connect via Gmail, from the Email Batch Report setting screen, select connect Gmail and then:

Following the connection, the system will default to the Gmail connection if SMTP has been configured. Test send an email and check the approved account’s send section to see the results.


You can always simply disconnect the email account via “Disconnect Gmail” or navigate to the Security Section of your Google Account, and remove access via the Third-Party apps with account access section.

Building your Report

The batch report system allows a user to quickly identify the reports that need to be included in the .pdf report for delivery to the client. Using the simple drag and drop feature, select and drag the reports from the Available Reports column to the Reports to Include column. After this, identify your Dashboard report and the configuration is complete.

Available Configurations:
(  1  ) – Available Reports : The list of reports to chose from that are available for this client. The reports that are chosen will match in appearance to their configuration in the standard report section.


(  2  ) – Reports to Include : The reports listed will be included in the .pdf that is generated for this client’s current report period. The configuration of the report will match what is currently set up in their report system.

(  3  ) – Dashboard Report : The report chosen here will be the cover page of the report that is generated.

(  4  ) – Save & Go Back : Selecting “Save and Go Back” will add all the identified items to the file to be generated and delivered to the customer.

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