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Call Format

  • clientid: the Sculpture 20/20 client ID
  • access_token: the user needs to request a secret access token from GO.  We will then provide it to the requester.  The value may change down the road as I want to tighten security as we go forward
  • item_type: 1 for beverage, 2 for food
  • report_type: var for variance report data
  • cxdate: the date in format YYYY-MM-DD.  The data store will find the period in which this date belongs to and return the data for that period

JSON Return

“error”: error message – if any,
“success”: 1 or 0,
“data”:[ { Item_Obj_1 } , { Item_Obj_2 } , …  ],
“date_range”: date range found for specified date

Item Objects

Each Item_Obj looks like this:
“className”: class name,
“catName”: category name,
“name”: item name,
“size”: the size the quantity figures are in – if it’s ‘-‘, then the quantity fields are in a real unit of measurement specified by column ‘description’,
“description”: unit of measurement,
“prev_onhand”: previous on-hand (quantity),
“purchases”: purchase (quantity),
“onhand”: on-hand (quantity),
“used”: used (quantity),
“sales”: sales (quantity),
“shortage”: over-short (quantity),
“percent_short”: over-short (percentage),
“prev_onhand_m”: previous on-hand (monetary),
“purchases_m”: purchase (monetary),
“onhand_m”: on-hand (monetary),
“used_m”: used (monetary),
“sales_m”: revenue (monetary),
“apc”: actual pour cost,
“sold_cost”: sold cost (monetary),
“missing_cost”: over-short (monetary),
“ipc”: ideal pour cost,
“ppo”: profit per size,
“unitcost”: unit cost in terms of size,
“agm”: actual gross margin,
“igm”: ideal gross margin,
“br”: BEVINCO rating,
“revenue_potential”: revenue potential,
“revenue_variance”: revenue variance,
“cost_variance”: cost variance,
“spill_qty”: spill (quantity),
“spill_cost”: spill @ cost (monetary),
“spill_retail”: spill @ retail (monetary),
“spill_percent”: spill (percentage),
“comp_qty”: comp (quantity),
“comp_cost”: comp @ cost (monetary),
“comp_retail”: comp @ retail (monetary),
“comp_percent”:comp (percentage),
“other_qty”: other waste (quantity),
“other_cost”: other waste @ cost (monetary),
“other_retail”: other waste @ retail (monetary),
“other_percent”: other waste (percentage),
“avg_ps”: average pour size,
“avg_ps_actual”: actual average pour size

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