Looking for something Else?
The sales management component of the inventory platform is feature-rich and adaptable to the needs of the client. Below is a breakdown of all Sales capabilities.
Just getting Started? Import a sales file from your point of sale first! This will add every recipe by name & plu, leaving you to only need to add the ingredients and quantities.
A – Revenue Center & Price Level: Revenue Centers are any Station or Main Area set up within Locations. A price level is configured within Price Level Setup.
B – Main Functions: These functions are designed for all or a selected number of recipes.
C – Key Indicators: Visual indicators of incomplete, new, modified, or changes to price for individual recipes.
D – Sales Quantity Details: A breakdown of sales if the imported file was at the transaction level.
E – Recipe Functions: Individual functions created to help a user manage specific recipes.
Add & Updating
Creating or editing a recipe is easy to do with our simple design. If you haven’t imported a sales file, select the Recipes drop-down at the top of the page to begin.
Create New Recipes > Add New Recipe
A – General Navigation:
- Update & Next: Saves/Updates an existing recipe and automatically opens the next recipe for changes.
- Save & Show Pour Cost: Saves/Updates the recipe and then displays the pour cost at the different price levels.
- Update & Close: Saves/Updates the recipe, then returns you to the main screen.
- Close: Closes the recipe without saving changes
B – Identifying Information: This information generally comes from the point-of-sale system and is required to match the sales import file to the recipe within the inventory platform.
- Name: The name of the recipe as defined by the point-of-sale system, this may be clear to understand or in shorthand.
- PLU #: The price/product look-up number is a unique identifier used by the point-of-sale to distinguish recipes in situations where multiple of the same name may exist.
C – Ingredients: Assign ingredients to your recipe to remove the ( ! )
- Inventory Only / Entire Database: When searching for an ingredient, search items that are only in use for this client, or search the entire database of items.
- Name: An auto-populating field, allowing you to find the brand and size of the ingredient. Use class, category, or quality names to assign ingredients in a general nature.
D – Revenue Only: This feature is a simple checkbox, allowing a user to associate sales revenues to a single ingredient.
E – Prices & Tax: The regular price is normally assigned by the point-of-sale system, but a user can update directly from within the screen. The available price levels are configured within Price Level Setup.
The Revenue Only Feature can be incredibly useful in situations where modifiers are numerous and used only to account for cost change.
Importing Sales
Importing sales is always the second-best option behind direct integrations. Our system accepts UTF8 files in either .csv or .txt formats. For more details on importing sales, see the link below.
Review the steps to import a sales file
Clone Recipe
This feature allows a user to quickly copy/create a new recipe without the need to fill in the ingredients.
Pressing this button creates a duplicate of the existing recipe for you to easily adjust for your needs.
When manually created recipes with similar ingredients, bulk cloning can save time!
Copy From
This feature allows a user to quickly fill in the ingredients of a new or incomplete recipe by copying from another existing recipe.
This is especially useful when an import just took place and there is a whole slew of new drink mixes that need to be completed or a POS is regularly changing PLUs.
This feature can be very useful for when a POS changes their PLUs and a large number of recipes need to be completed. Instead of recreating each new, simply copy from the correct recipe and you’re done.
Importing a sales file can bring in a large number of items that are unnecessary for the audit. Instead of needing to delete or remove them from the file you can simply “BlackList” the items. A blacklist is a list of things to exclude or avoid while importing. For more details on the blacklist feature, use the link below.
Learn more about our blacklist feature.
Convert PLU to Name: Swaps the PLU and Name of the recipe. This feature is exceptionally useful in situations where a point-of-sale only provides a PLU column and a Name is required. This also can be useful for situations where PLUs & Names need to be changed in bulk.
Ingredient Switch: Easily swap out an ingredient in all drink mixes from one brand to another.
Zero Sales: Removes any quantity of sales sold, moving them all to a quantity of “0”.
Purge Inactive Recipes: This allows a user to clean up and remove recipes without a sales quantity for any number of periods a user defines. This is useful for clients with a large number of unused recipes.
Create New Item: A quick reference and action to create a new item brand or size to speed up the recipe creation process.
Ingredient Switch
Need to easily swap out ingredients in all recipes? The ingredient switch tool is designed specifically for that.
Simply identify the ingredient that is currently set up in the recipes that needs to be removed and the one to replace it!
Key Indicators
! – Incomplete Recipe
An incomplete recipe is a recipe that has no assigned ingredients. If sales occur for this item with no ingredient assigned, the revenues cannot be properly allocated.
M – Modified
A modification within the recipe has occurred from the previous period. This could include ingredient, quantity, or unit changes.
P – Price Change
A change in Price has occurred from the originally existing price. This could be from the previous period into the current or a manual adjustment in the current period.
This recipe is new in this period. This is almost always accompanied by an Incomplete (!) recipe indicator.
Integration Options
There are a number of direct integration options available for Sales. See the list below!
Do PLUs need to be Numbers? – No, a PLU comes from an external system and can be numbers or letters or match the name of the item. A PLU of some kind is required though.
How do I create a generic or general ingredient recipe? – We’d suggest using the “Any” term for the specific Class or Category. For example, have a Domestic Beer Bucket that can be any domestic beer? Add the ingredient of [Any] Domestic Beer. But, you can only do this if you’ve set a Domestic category
What if I just need to account other revenue? – Revenues can be tricky, but it all depends on where it needs to be accounted for. Check out our Additional Revenue Features for more options.
My recipes are completely messed up in the current period, what do I do? – Are they ok in the previous period?
The sales & drink mix screen is copied over upon finalizing the most recent period. Upon selecting “finalize” a brand new period is created, and every single drink mix is copied forward with the assigned ingredients and quantities, though all sales are zeroed out.
Important Note
- Drink Mixes can ONLY be carried forward, not in reverse.
- Drink Mixes map by PLU and/or Name
- Importing a sales file requires a UTF8 .txt or .csv file.
Quick Steps
- Delete all current drink mixes
- Reopen & Refinalize the previous period with “Copy Recipes Forward” Selected
- Reimport your Sales