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The Black List is a list of PLU’s in the client’s POS system that are identified as unnecessary data. Once these PLU’s are marked, they will no longer be brought in on the last step of the sales uploading.

The Black List work on the following logic:

(1) If importing sales by name only, a line item is blacklisted when its name is on the blacklist

(2) If importing sales by PLU only, a line item is blacklisted when its PLU is on the blacklist

(3) If importing sales by both name and PLU, a line item is blacklisted only when both name and PLU match what’s on the blacklist (the “AND” logic)

The Sales Uploader checks the Blacklist for PLU OR Name, not PLU AND Name. The function works in this manner as some clients import by name only and others by PLU only.

Dashboard > Sales & Drink Mixes > Sales & Drink Mix Setup > BlackList

View Blacklist

In order to View your Blacklist, you need to Navigate to the Sales & Drink Mix Setup tab found under the Sales & Drink Mixes. You will see a blue View My Blacklist button on the right of your screen.

After you click it a pop-up box containing your Blacklist will appear.

Add to Blacklist

In order to add items to your Blacklist, click the box next to the item you wish to add.


After that, you simply need to select the Blacklist dropdown, and then Add Selected to Blacklist.

Remove Items

To remove items from your Blacklist, you need to first click the blue View My Blacklist button. After you do that, you will need to check the boxes of the items you wish to remove from your Blacklist.

After selecting the items you wish to Remove, scroll to the bottom of your BlackLlst and click the Remove button

Blacklist Support

If you have found that an item on your blacklist, is still being imported when using either the UPLOAD SALES FILE or Sales import options, follow the steps below to remedy your issue.

We have found this issue typically stems from one of two things, both of which can easily be reviewed and remedied via the steps listed below

Solution 1

  1. Ensure you’re importing a sales file (TXT or CSV) saved in file type in UTF-8 format.
    • Choose File->Save as from the menu.
    • In the ‘Save as type’ dropdown > select ‘Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)’
    • Select ‘Web Options’ in the ‘Tools…’ dropdown at the bottom of the dialog box.
    • Select the ‘Encoding’ tab.
    • In the ‘Save this document as:’ dropdown, select ‘Unicode (UTF-8)’

Attempt to import your sales file again to see if the blacklisted items continue to be imported. If they do, follow the next solution to remedy this issue.

Ensure there are not any extra or “funny” characters found in your sales file.

Solution 2

  1. Open up the UTF-8 encoded sales file (as the previous solution steps ensure you are using a correctly encoded file) and open this file up using a TEXT editor (like Notepad) via
    • Launch NotePad on your computer
    • Drag and Drop the sales file to Notepad (note, Notepad is good for identifying the issue though due to Notepad not having a find/replace function, we recommend you use Notepad++. It’s free and it will make it very easy to correct any identified issues).

In the above example, we have found that the sales file contains two extra spaces.

  1. Using Notepad++, we corrected this issue by clicking CTRL-F (at the same time as this will open up the SEARCH & FIND window).
  2. Click the REPLACE tab and put two spaces in the FIND field (as we know two empty spaces are the issue with this sales file) and the left the REPLACE field empty (as we don’t want these double spaces replaced with anything).

Once the Find & Replace was completed, we quickly found the file was ready to reimport.  Simply click FILE > SAVE AS and save it as a TEXT file (given Notepad++ is a Text editor). Import the sales file to 2020 and choose TAB as the delimiter as TXT files are Tab-separated and CSV are comma-separated.

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