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Sculpture Hospitality can easily connect to R365 via an on-hand export to CSV that is tailors to R365’s needs. Sculpture simply needs the requirements of R365 to match their inventory template. This usually requires identifying an R365 Item ID (how an item is identified in R365) and importing it into the Sculpture System to create a mapping of the two.

This Export can be found at:

SETTINGS > CLIENT > R365 Downloads

The Restaurant365 requires a well versed R365 user on the client’s end to align the data appropriately. Sculpture’s platform is able to export data with the R365 Item Code/ID, which can then be imported into R365  


Important Note:

The set up and configuration of R365 may vary. It is critical that the client knows R365’s inventory import requirements.


R365 Import Requires a minimum of 2 Columns:
alt-id or item_code – used for matching external Inventory item to R365 Purchased Item
tot_count – used in importing counts performed in external system into the R365 Inventory Count form

The ‘alt_id’ or ‘item_count” values that are imported into your Sculpture system for the items will be used to match your inventory items to your R365 Inventory items. This is accomplished by setting the same value on the ‘Number’ field on the Purchased Item record.

These values must match in order for the import to function successfully. [We use the R365 ID/Item Code, so you do not have to custom map on your end] R365 Users can update each Purchased Item record manually, by opening the record and entering in the corresponding ‘Number’ value from the external export, or you can use the Import Tool to update a list in bulk.

Refer to this article on Employee Updates for an example of how to bulk-update records using the Import Tool.

It is recommended that counts be imported on their own unique Inventory Count Template as they will be using the import feature with these Inventory Counts. No special steps are required in creating your
Inventory Count Template. As the updates occur on the actual Purchased Item record, you may follow the regular Inventory Count Template creation steps. When the Inventory Count Template is complete, you are ready to import your counts.

Additional Notes
Any items with numbers in the Number or alt_id fields will be added to the Inventory Count even if the items were not added to the Inventory Count template. As long as each ‘alt_id’ can be matched to a Purchased Item in R365 (using the ‘Number (optional)’ field), any Item that is missing from the Inventory Count Template will be automatically added to the Inventory Count.

If any alt_id’s exist on the import file but DO NOT exist on the ‘Number’ field of a Purchased Item in R365, it will cause the entire import to fail. Empty rows or “delete” alt_id’s on the import file will cause the entire import to fail.

Any item listed on the import file more than once will be totaled together as one line item.

A notification provided by the system will guide you as to which Items are missing so that they can be added.

Once all missing ‘alt_id’s are added, repeat the import process to perform a successful count

Detailed Guide


In R365, get the NUMBER field for each item and export it to a list. That NUMBER, or alternative ID, needs to be input to the corresponding item in the Sculpture System as either Product Code, Bin No, or CODE. The outcome is the ability to export varying reports with that column, allowing the data to map correctly.


Setting up R365 Inventory for use with Sculpture requires 5 steps:

  1. Capture the R365 Alt-id, number, or unique Identifier from within R365
  2. Import via Invoice Import the R365 IDs
  3. Configure the Sculpture iPar, or R365 exports to match the Restaurant365 template
  4. Validate the UofMs
  5. Set up the Inventory Count template in R365


Capture R365 Alt-ID R365 requires that a numeric code be used to match data from the external system to theirs.
Doing so alleviates the confusion around how the R365 client names their item, eliminates issues with invalid characters (international), and makes for an easier mapping process.
For example, referring to the information in the image below. In the Sculpture system, the item exists as “Bacardi Anejo 4”, where as in R365, it is “RUM Bacardi Anejo 4yr”

In R365, every item has a field named “Number (optional)”. In most instances, a number has been prepopulated. That number will need to be extracted from R365, so that it can then be uploaded into the Sculpture system.

Doing so allows us to export reports, with this identifier, which then allows R365 to import and match the files and data.
We have found that on the main item screen, the NUMBER column can be added, and then exported from R365.

Bulk Update IDs

The codes from R365 can be manually entered into the Sculpture system, but we suggest you bulk import them by creating a generic invoice and uploading it containing the following required columns:

  • Item Name (of Sculpture’s Database)
  • Barcode (of Sculpture’s Database)
  • Quantity (x1)
  • Price (1.00)

As well as

  • Product Code
  • Bin No
  • Code (item code)

Importing this file, if the barcode matches an existing item in the database, will automatically add in the proper R365 ID to the corresponding size.

Configuring the export

In order to export Inventory Counts into R365, you must either use the custom r365 export found within Client Settings, or use the iPar, leveraging the Product code, Bin No, or Code columns. Selecting the Restaurant365 export profile within the software ensures that the data
is exported in the correct format after each count



Importing into R365

Within R365:

Important Note: R365 may have changed and/or your level of service within R365 may change these steps. It is always best to speak with your R365 representative.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Templates’ tab of the ‘Inventory’ page
  2. Click on the name of the template you created during the setup process. This will cause the sidesheet to open.
  3. Near the top right, click on the menu icon , then choose the option ‘Use Template’
  4. Click the blue ‘Review’ button in the top right of the header
  5. Click the menu icon again, then select the option ‘Import Count Sheet’
  6. Follow the prompts to upload the correct Inventory Count file that you exported
  7. Once the file has been imported successfully, you will notice the ‘Quantity’ column will show the values that were provided. Review the values before saving.
  8. To finalize the import, click ‘Approve’, then save and close the Inventory Count.
  9. Learn more about reviewing and approving an Inventory Count here

Custom Setup

If the client needs a custom configuration, leverage the Product Code, Bin No, or CODE fields to match the information required from R365. Add those columns to the iPar Report.

Validate UofMs

Since the Item Counts of each Item will be imported from Sculpture to R365, it is important to ensure that the Units of Measurement (UofMs) match in the two systems. For example, the counts for bottled beer in the Sculpture system are for individual bottles. This means a single case of Budweiser bottles will be listed as 24 bottles. It’s important to confirm the UofM for bottled items in R365 are the same unit (bottles not cases). If the UofMs in the two systems do not match, then 24 bottles could be imported as 24 cases, which would obviously
cause errors. In order to validate the UofMs, check the ‘Inventory U of M’ field of the Purchased Item Record on the ‘Inventory Cost’ tab.

Count Template

Set Up the Inventory Count Template in R365
The final setup step is to create (or review and update) your Inventory Count Template.

It is recommended that your counts be performed on their own unique Inventory Count Template that only contains Items that will be counted via the ‘Import’ feature. The regular Inventory Count Template creation steps should be followed, as there are no steps unique to this.

When the Inventory Count Template is complete, you are ready to import the Inventory Counts.

Export & Import

Standard Export from Sculpture

  1. Perform your Inventory Count within the Sculpture software
  2. Within the Sculpture software, expand the Settings menu option by clicking on the left
  3. Select the ‘Client’ option under the expanded ‘Settings’ menu options
  4. Select either R365 Download options
    ● Regular Download
    ● Download expressed in ML


File format contains additional information as requested by R365 users. It is expected that a user would delete the unused columns.

● brand – Shows the name of the Sculpture Inventory Item
alt_id – Is the unique value which is used to match the Sculpture Inventory Item to the R365 Purchased Item
● tot_count – Is the aggregated Item Count which will be imported into R365 after counts

In order to avoid errors, it is a best practice to open the exported file and check it for accuracy. Ensure that columns B, E, and N of the file are populated with the correct information. We suggest that you perform a couple of spot checks where you confirm that the
total count (‘tot_count’) listed makes sense. Finally, ensure that the total number of Inventory Items listed reflects the number of items that were counted.


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