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The Sculpture Inventory platform contains a wide variety of report columns that display different calculations which, when put together, create a comprehensive look at a client’s inventory. Use the Table Of Contents or CTRL+F to find the specific column you need.

Important Note

The information below is a general explanation of every available report column. For detailed calculations, contact support.

Item Name

The name of the item, by default, is displayed as set within Item Creation. This name can be adjusted per client via the Display Name function within report settings.

Selecting the Item Name from the report presents users with the size display options for the report. After selecting a size, regenerate.

Previous On-Hand

The total amount of a particular inventory item found to be in stock (measured) in the establishment in the previous inventory period.

Prev. On-Hand (Cost)

The value of all the inventory that the client or establishment previously had in stock. This value is based on the purchased prices from invoices.


The total amount of inventory items (quantity) bought from a vendor/distributor for each brand in the current period.

Purchase (cost)

The value of the total amount of purchased inventory in the current period representative of the actual purchase price.


The total amount of a particular inventory item found to be in stock in the establishment at the current time.

On-Hand (Cost)

The total value of all the liquor of a specific brand, class, or category that the client currently has in stock based on the purchased price.

On-Hand (Unit Cost)

The current value of the on-hand item, at its lowest unit of measure.

On-Hand (Batch)

Displays the total amount of a purchased item that exists as on-hand, that is tied up in a batch mix. This on-hand quantity is calculated based on the batch mix ingredients and the full count or partial measurement of the batch that is captured in the current period.


The quantity of how much inventory has been sold during this specific audit period. 

Sold, or sale is a theoretical amount that is calculated based on the number of sales of a particular PLU as provided by a point-of-sale system. This PLU and recipe contain ingredients and quantities, which allows the system to accurately reduce inventory based on what should have theoretically been served.


  • PLU 100 is 1.5 oz Jack Daniel’s Black per drink
  • Sales of PLU 100 from the point-of-sale is 55 drinks sold
  • SOLD quantity displayed would be 82.5oz of Jack Daniel’s Black.

Sold (cost)

This represents the cost of goods sold based on the value of the quantity of the inventory items sold during the particular audit period.


Used displayed how much inventory has been depleted during the audit period. This is a calculated amount. Usage is calculated based on Previous On-hand values, Purchased quantities, and current measured on-hand values.

Used (cost)

The value of the used inventory, based on the current on-hand cost value, represented as a dollar amount.


The quantity difference between sold inventory and the actual measured usage of inventory items.

Missing (cost)

The value, at cost, of the missing inventory, based on the difference between sold and used.

% Missing

The difference between sold inventory and the actual measured usage of inventory items is presented as a %.


A client’s income from the sale of inventory items during the period in which an inventory audit occurs.

Revenue Variance

The difference between budgeted or estimated and actual revenue.

Revenue Potential

Revenue Potential is calculated using the variables of Missing, Revenue, and Sold. These are calculated by means of other formulas, thus identifying the source of the issue may require digging into each variable of the formula.

Unit Profit

Representative of the financial reward gained from the difference between the cost to purchase the product and the sale point. 

Ideal Pour Cost

The Pour Cost target, represented as a %, if there were no losses and every ounce Used was Sold at full retail value.

Pour Cost

The cost of the inventory used (measured), is represented as a percentage.

Pour Cost is calculated based on your previous On-hand Cost, Purchase Cost, and current On-Hand Costs, compared to your sales.

Sculpture Rating

A Sculpture specific calculation of Client Efficiency. Calculated by Ideal Beverage Cost Percentage divided by the Actual Beverage Cost Percentage.

Gross Margin

The difference between revenue and Used (Cost), divided by the revenue. Typically expressed as a percentage.

Ideal Gross Margin

The difference between revenue and Sold (Cost), divided by revenue if no slippage or loss occurred.


To provide an inventory item for free for a specific reason. This is tracked within the Sales & Recipes section, within the Comp Price Level.

Comp (Cost)

The value of the inventory at a purchased price item that has been given away for free for a specific reason.

Comp (retail)

The value of the inventory which was provided free of charge as it pertains to what it would have potentially grossed at the regular selling price.

% Comp

The difference between the comp cost (price level) and comp retail value, expressed as a percent.


Inventory that has been lost or is no longer present within a client and has no explanation of why. 

Spillage (cost)

The value of the lost or absent inventory represented by the specific value that it was purchased for from a vendor.

Spillage (retail)

The value of the lost or absent inventory as it pertains to what it would have potentially grossed at regular selling price.

% Spillage

The difference between lost or absent inventory at cost to retail represented as a percent.

Other Waste

A report column that displays item usage that has been classified in a particular way (as waste) via a Price Level, displayed in bottles, ounces, or other units of measure.

Other Waste (cost)

A report column that displays item usage that has been classified in a particular way (as waste) via a Price Level,  in bottles, ounces, or other units of measure, multiplied by the purchased cost and represented in a dollar figure.

Other Waste (retail)

A report column that displays item usage that has been classified in a particular way (as waste) via a Price Level,  in bottles, ounces, or other units of measure, multiplied by the sold value and represented in a dollar figure.

% Other Waste

The difference between the % other cost (price level) and other retail value, expressed as a percent.

Ideal Average Pour Size


Actual Average Pour Size

A calculation based on sold quantity and the number of servings sold for a particular item.

Max Inventory Available

Unit (UoM)

Req In

Req In (Cost)

Req Out

Req Out (Cost)


The barcode or UPC of the specific bottle size being displayed. This unique code links directly to the item database and item measured in the field.

Item Size


Empty Weight



Price Level



Tax Discount




Used (in tenths)

Unopened Onhand

On-Hand (in tenths)

Open Onhand

Unit Cost

Days Remaining

Total Order

Total Order Cost

Bin No

Historical Usage

Order (UoM)


Usage Trend



On-Hand (UoM)



Product Code

Weight Location

Weight Timestamp

Purchase Volume

Invoice Date

Invoice Number

Total Order

Total Cost (excluding Tax)

Total Tax

Total Cost (Including Tax)

% Difference

Current Purchased

Within Proofing, displays the purchased quantity of the line item, and has drill-down capabilities for further investigating.

Current Used

Current Sold

Current Missing

Current % Missing

Previous Used

Previous Sold

Previous Missing

Previous % Missing

2 periods Ago Used

2 Periods Ago Sold

2 Periods Ago Missing

2 Periods Ago % Missing

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