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Feature Overview

The Recounts report displays items that have been identified as needing further investigation, from the proofing reports.
It allows a user to dig deeper into items that need to be recounted, enter comments, and push this report to a user in the field. For more information, see below!

A) Send Options: Send this report via email or copy a URL and send it however you’d like!

B) Export Options: Just want to download this report? We offer PDF or Excel.

C) Customization & Configuration: Edit the available columns and connect your email to push this report out.

D) Brand Level Information: Summary information similar to that of the variance reports.

E) Size Level Information: A breakdown of the item, by size and location from within the client.

F) Notes & Comments: Add notes and comments for your field user to direct them on the recount.

Suggested Process

How a user leverages this tool is entirely dependent upon the structure of the user’s business and the processes they have in place. Below we’ve outlined a suggested practice as a starting point.

Email Configuration

To send an automated email from our system, you must configure your email.

For more information on configuring your email, See the Setup & Configuration of the email client.

Important Note:

Why don’t we just send this from noreply@ or something? When you attach your account, your email will have and maintain a record of all emails sent for recounts. Additionally, if a recipient replies to the recount email, it will be deposited in your inbox.

Sending the Report

A user can either export the report to their device or send directly to another user. See the instructions below to understand your options.

Export Options

Currently, there are two options to export this report directly from the online platform, as a PDF or Excel file.

Save to Excel: Saves the file as a .xlsx file, with appropriate file formatting.

Save to PDF: Saves as a portable data file, capable of being edited via a tablet or mobile device via 3rd-party software.

Notify via Email

A user can push an automated notification from the Recounts screen to the field via an email, as long as an email has been connected with the system. Recipients can be any valid email address, and are not restricted to any domain.


You can configure who receives this notification, per client, by entering their valid email address with a comma (,) in between each.


Emails are remember each period, users can also configure this within the clients  > settings sections of the platform.


Emails from the system appear as follows:

Copy URL

Important Note:

The URL that is generated in the Email & via Copy URL has a security feature allowing access to it for 2 hours. That clock restarts by regenerating a new Recounts report.

Customize Columns

The recounts report has unique columns that are specific to this report.

Default Report Columns:

  • Item Name: The brand name of the inventory item as it appears in your item database.
  • Item Size: The individual item size, beneath the specific brand
  • UOM: Unit of Measure, such as BOTTLE, CASE, specific to the size.
  • Full: The total full, unopened counted items at the brand, and size levels.
  • Open: At the brand level, the total number of open bottles captured. At the individual size level, a decimal representation of the amount remaining.
  • Location: The specific area within a venue that an item was captured. Currently, this will only display for partial items.
  • Over/Under: The total amount of the specific brand that has been determined to be missing or that requires a recount.
  • Recount Full: A placeholder column within the file that contains no information. Allowing the field auditor to enter a count.
  • Recount Weight: A placeholder column within the file that contains no information. Allowing the field auditor to enter a weight.
  • Notes/Comments: An editable column, allowing a user to enter instructions for the recipient of the recount report at the brand level.

Additional Columns:

  • Area: An optional column, used to display the venues revenue center or location at the highest level.


Using Copy URL: Have you considered that by copying the randomized URL you could send this report via SMS, Slack, WhatsApp or any other means of communication you choose? No login required!

If I generate a new recount, do I need to change the Access URL? – Nope! The URL will stay the same, but you will have extended the 2 hours.

How many people can I send this URL to? – This URL can be sent to any number of individuals during the 2 hours that it is accessible.

Is a Login or Password Required? – No, this is a randomized URL that is only accessible for 2 hours. After that, the link is no longer accessible.

Do I need a specific iOS or Android Device for this? – No, as long as you have internet when you open the link, it will work on the device.

Can I edit the Recount report directly from my phone/tablet/device? – Yes, as long as it is within the capabilities of the device. The report, in its current form, is sent to be viewed in a web browser, and can be downloaded as an excel file or PDF. If your device can edit either of these, then yes you can.

Why can’t I just edit the recounts report directly after I click the link? – That is a future development that requires an approval process and deeper understanding of the many unique proofing processes that exist in the field today. This is a stepping stone towards that.

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