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A Product Code is a unique number identifier assigned to each product that is for sale. A product code, also known as an Item Number, is unique to a vendor.

Dashboard > Purchases > Product Codes

Product Codes

A product code:

  • Can be used to differentiate between two similarly named items
  • Can assist in product look-up when building an invoice


  • Can provide information for historical data while tracking items that were purchased previously
  • Can be added when adding an item to an invoice
  • Also can be added to specific products under the Product Code tab.


To edit a product code, simply navigate to “Product Code Setup” under “Purchases”. Each product code will be organized by Vendor and can be edited or updated from this screen.


Add New

You can create a new Product Code by clicking the blue + Product Code button on the right side of the screen. When you click it, a window will appear to fill out

As you type the name it will pre-populate

Make sure to select the proper Pack Size

Enter the Product code and click Save

Note: Make sure you have the correct Vendor selected


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