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Notes, both General and Station level, can be utilized to provide a user with field-specific instructions on counting/weighing, field experience, and/or more.

General Notes are comments/notes that are specific to the client as a whole. This may contain information related to accessing the client, who to contact in case of an emergency, and more.

A Station Note is a comment/note that is specific to a location or area within the client and may contain instructions on where items are sometimes hidden, specific steps to capturing data accurately, or more.

The blue/white icon to the left signifies access to the notes  section of the application. Depending on where the user is within the application will determine if the “General” notes, or if the “Station” notes appear.

General and Station Note synchronization with the cloud can be achieved by the Sync Note button (looks like a cloud) from within the Notes Section, or during Reset Inventory Processes.

Reviewing Notes

The app and the online platform will interact in near-real-time by use of the sync button in the application. Notes, images, and comments are accepted into, and sent out of, the application upon pressing “sync” or “send to cloud.

A: Notes are broken up by General and Station. Stations that are colored (see figure A1) are live stations containing notes. Stations that are grey’d out, are either inactive or do not have a note.

A-1: General is the default note section (see figure A1) and is a note that is generic to the entire client.

Editing Notes / Images

Upon selecting a note, the current comment / note will appear below along with any associated images that have been added to it.


At the current time, a timeline / log of conversation does not exist. When you edit a note, you are overwriting the current note with the newest comment. To produce a log, a user could simply start a new line each time below the pre-existing note.

B:  Notes can be edited from on the inventory platform and then saved (see figure B2). Upon saving the edit to the note, the information is automatically staged for the application to receive.

B-2: To edit any note, a user must select “Edit” which will change the box to display “Save“. A user must select save for the information to be sent to the BevCount application

C: Images are displayed below the comments box. If an image has any specific comment / note associated with it, the text will appear above the image.

Adding Notes / Images


A: Within the application, select the icon as seen above (see figure A). A red dot signifies a new / edit note from the online platform.

B: The application will default to the General note. From within this screen, a user can navigate to a few different areas.

B-1: To add an image, select the camera icon. Selecting this will open up the options to take a new image, or use an existing image from your iDevice.

B-2: Existing images are displayed (see figure B2) at the bottom of each note. Selecting these images allows a user to add or edit an existing caption.

B-3: Editing the existing note, or adding to it, can be completed by use of the edit icon in the top right of the screen (see figure B3)

B-4: When a new note needs to be sync’d, or any change has occurred, the icon seen in figure B4 will change from blue to red.

C: Selecting the three (3) lines displayed in figure C will produce a list of all Station Specific notes. This list will act as the users navigation between the General Notes and the Station Notes.

D: Selecting the three (3) lines in figure C, will invoke the list as shown in figure D. This list will display all available Stations within the client. If a note has recently been edited / changed by anyone with access to the notes feature within the platform or the application, a red dot will appear in the corner of the note.

Sync Conflicts & Resolutions:

Occasionally, you may run into a note sync conflict where the content on the cloud is different than the local version. A conflict is indicated by a Yellow Caution (i.e yellow triangle with !) button. The user would need to tap this button and choose an option to resolve the conflict.

Append Cloud version

Safest option, both cloud and local copy are retained. User needs to edit the combined note to merge both contents

Keep Cloud copy

This overwrites the local copy, so local content is lost. However given the user is on site, he/she can easily re-enter those content

Keep Local Copy

Most dangerous option as you could overwrite what’s already on the cloud


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