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LightSpeed K-Series


Seamlessly and automatically download sales data

With the Sculpture / LightSpeed K-Series integration, aligning your downloaded sales data with purchase and inventory records to generate precise accounting figures and key financial performance indicators for Lightspeed customers.

Some benefits include:

  • Seamless Data Integration: Auto-sync sales data with Sculpture’s records for accurate tracking and simpler accounting
  • Streamlined Operations: Automate inventory updates to maintain stock levels and reduce manual work
  • Financial Analysis: Generate detailed reports to drive decisions and identify growth areas
  • Profit Margins and Vendor Management: Find cost savings, optimize ordering, and manage suppliers efficiently

Partnership Material

Partnership Kit

Click to Download

Setup Instructions


The only requirement on LightSpeed’s side to use the Lightspeed integration is admin level access to sales data of the client’s Lightspeed account.

  • Sculpture Client ID
  • Sculpture Client Name


Typically a client may create a new login for a Sculpture staff member, which could be used to export sales data as a text file from Lightspeed. The text file can then be manually uploaded to the Sculpture platform.

Basic Setup

  1. Client Login: Obtain a login from the client that provides access to their Lightspeed sales data.
    • A client may create a new login specifically for a Sculpture auditor.
  2. Export Sales Data: Use the login to export sales data as a text file from Lightspeed.
  3. Upload to Sculpture: Manually upload the text file to the Sculpture platform.
  4. Enable Integration:
    • Contact Sculpture support (support@sculpturehospitality.com) and provide the client’s name and ID.
    • Wait for confirmation from Sculpture support that the client is configured.
  5. Access Integration:
    1. Go to Sales & Recipes > Sales & Recipes Setup on the Sculpture 20/20 website.
    2. Click the “Download Sales via Integration” button.

Getting Connected

*This feature must be enabled by Sculpture Support.

Option A: Complete Form to request access

How should we address you?

The email for receipt

Name as it appears in Sculpture

Sculpture specific numeric ID

Option B: Email Support@sculpturehospitality.com

Requesting the LightSpeed Integration be enabled. Include the following information:

  • Sculpture Client ID
  • Sculpture Client Name

Step-by-Step Instructions

After Sculpture support confirms that the client is configured, Lightspeed integration on Sculpture 20/20 website may be accessed as follows:


1) Navigate to Sales & Recipes > Sales & Recipes Setup

2) Select the button “Download Sales via Integration”.

Unblock Pop-up

3) Next, you should see a smaller pop-up window. If you do not see the pop-up window, your browser is blocking it, and typically a browser would indicate a “blocked pop-up” by an icon shown in the address bar:

Select on the “blocked pop-up” icon, to allow it.

After unblocking, you may need to redo steps 1-3 to initiate the pop-up again.

  1. Go to Sales & Recipes > Sales & Recipes Setup
  2. Click on the button “Download Sales via Integration”.
  3. The pop-up window looks like this.


From within the pop-up, select the button “Authorize“, and follow Lightspeed’s instructions.

Once you have successfully authorized access to LightSpeed, you will be taken back to Sculpture’s Platform.

Business Location

From within the screen shown below, select the applicable location. In addition, remember to configure applicable options.


Select the button “Confirm and Download” to download POS data from Lightspeed, and follow instructions after the download to proceed.

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