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Welcome to our new ordering feature, designed to streamline your ordering process.

With our ordering feature, you can effortlessly generate purchase orders (POs) with just a few clicks, saving you time and eliminating the hassle of manual data entry.

Key Features include:

1. Simplified Order Generation:
Our ordering feature allows you to quickly generate purchase orders, whether you’re ordering from existing vendors or adding new items to your inventory. With automatic population capabilities, the system ensures accuracy and efficiency, even for users who are not fully integrated with our iPar system.

2. Efficient Review Process:
Once orders are generated, our platform provides a seamless review process, allowing you to review orders as needed before submission.

3. Seamless Submission:
Submitting orders is a breeze with our intuitive interface. Simply review your order, confirm its accuracy, and submit with confidence directly to a vendor via email, or download the order as PDF.

4. Customization Options:
Tailor your orders to suit your unique needs with our customizable features with iPar. From adjusting order quantities to modifying cost information, our platform offers flexibility and control over your ordering process.

See a quick overview of generating an order to sending it off. Click on the image to see it larger.


Step 1: Generate a new order Automatically (iPar) or Manually.

Automatically generating will create a single order per vendor.

Step 2: View / Edit each Order

You are required to open and at least view the order to be able to submit it for review.

Step 3: Submit Order for Review

From within the order, or from the Generate order screen, select “Submit for Review. This will move the order from the Generate tab to the Review tab

Step 4: Review your Order

From the Review Order tab, View, Save to PDF, or Send the order via email directly to your vendor.

Building an Order

Craft an order automatically or manually, via the following options.


Generate your orders automatically for efficiency based on our intelligent PAR (iPar) system. Leveraging historical usage, customized class, category and quality ordering rules, our system will suggest an order quantity for you.

New Order

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, our platform offers manual order generation capabilities. This allows you to input specific details for each order, tailoring them to your exact requirements. From vendor selection to item quantities, you have full control over every aspect of your order.

Generate an order for an individual vendor using iPar logic from within build a new order.

Screen Breakdown

  • PO Number: An automatically generated Purchase Order Number
  • Status: An indicator of where this order is within the generation process
    • Open: The order has been generated, but has not been viewed.
    • Pending: Someone has opened or viewed the order
  • Date Created: The date and time when this order was generated in the following format: M DD YYYY HH:MM:DD 
  • Vendor Name: The name of the vendor that has been assigned to this order.
  • Rep Name: Optional Field if the client has an assigned representative.
  • Rep Email: Optional Field if a representative has a contact email.
  • Suggested # of Items: The number of line items (not quantity of individual items) represented on the order.
  • Edit: Function to access the Order
  • Submit for Review: Action Function which closes the order and moves it to the Review Order screen.
  • Delete: Function to remove/delete invoice

Editing your Order

Whether you’ve generated your order via iPar, or are manually building it, your screen is broken down into three main parts. To learn more about them, read below.

Save Draft: Saves any changes and takes the user back to the Generate Order page.

Submit for Review: Completes and closes your order, moving it to Review Order

Order Header

A. Order Details: Reflective of the Client Information

B. Shipping Details: Customizable within the order directly

C. Vendor Details: Reflects the Vendor Setup

D. Rep Details: Create a Representative for your client(s) to send your orders to.

Notes & Optional Info

In different situations, orders may require notes, approvals, and other information that has been identified by our field teams. 

Delivery Date: A date-picker calendar for orders where a client may need the order delivered on a specific date.

Requested by: Simple Text entry for orders that require a requester to be identified.

Approved by: Simple Text entry for orders that require identification of approval.

Department: Simple Text entry for orders that may need to go to a specific department or location within an establishment.

Notes: A Simple Text entry section for any form of communication that may need to be added to the order for clarification or anything else.

Order Breakdown

A. Reference Columns: Columns shaded in dark gray are purely for reference. These figures are calculated based on inventory data gathered from audit periods.

B. Order Quantity: An editable field that will be populated with a “0” unless a suggested order from the iPar. This can be edited directly from the screen.

C. Order Size Change: Change the size of the item you are ordering. Change to a different case or volume.

D. Add New Item: Something missing from the order? Use the (+) to search for the item to add

E. Refresh Reference Numbers: Reference figures are all calculated from collected audit data. Use this feature to recalculate any figures if any adjustments have been made.


The Estimated Grand total is for reference and based on the last known purchase price. This price is not included on the actual Purchase Order.

Adding Items

Any order can be customized from removing prepopulated items to adding any items that exist in your user database.

From within Generate Order, access any open or pending order. Select the green plus (+) search for your item and size, enter a quantity & press “add”.

* means that particular size is in inventory

** means that particular size was the most recent purchased size

* ** means that particular size is in inventory and was the most recent purchased size

Review Order

When an order has been completed, and moved to review, it is locked and ready to be sent or distributed in any manner a user decides.

Screen Columns

  • PO Number: An automatically generated Purchase Order Number
  • Date Created: The date and time when this order was generated in the following format: M DD YYYY HH:MM:DD 
  • Vendor Name: The name of the vendor that has been assigned to this order.
  • Rep Name: Optional Field if the client has an assigned representative.
  • Rep Email: Optional Field if a representative has a contact email.
  • Number of Brands: Number of individual brands represented on this order
  • Date Finalized: Date the order was submitted for review
  • Sent: Timestamp reflective of when an email was last sent for this order.
  • View: View the Order in the browser
  • Save to PDF: Download the order as a pdf to the local device.
  • Send via Email: Email the order to whomever of your choice

Purchase Order

The PDF  that is generated is delivered from downloading or saving the order. This is also what is sent as an attachment to the email.

Email Template

When emailing the order as a PDF, a user defines the recipient, a CC, as well as a reply to email.


Within Settings, a user can select which columns should be present for both the Generate Function, as well as the PDF generated order.

Generate Columns: Columns displayed when generating an order with the Generate Order section

PO Columns: Columns displayed on the PDF Order



Can I automatically generate an order for a single vendor via iPar settings instead of generating for all? 

Yes! Simply select “Build New Order”, identify your vendor, and generate a purchase order based on inteliPar.

When can I create an order?

Orders can be generated at any time, or even multiple times in a week, and are not reliant on a completed inventory audit.

How do I add items to the order that are not listed already?

Use the ( + ) button in the lower right to add items to the order.

I generated an order on one day, deleted it, and then regenerated 3 days later and the numbers were different? I haven’t changed anything, why is this happening?

The iPar system leverages the day of the week compared to the rules set up and configured for order dates and more. The system has adjusted the order based on 3 additional days of usage.

Feedback or Support?

Have Feedback or Need Support?

We value your input and are here to help. If you have any feedback or require assistance with our ordering feature, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@sculpturehospitality.com for assistance.

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