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Dashboard > Email > Batch Reports > (Select)

To send an email with the Batch Report system, a user must have the appropriate configurations in place. If these settings are in place, the system will send an email containing a PDF document and any custom content that is provided in the available fields.

Please follow the instructions below to send an email using this system.

Steps 1 & 2

Are related to the Configuration & Setup of the Email system. For more information on that, go HERE if you have not completed this step.

Step 3: Email Header

Before you can generate your batch report, you must identify the following fields for the email.

Separate multiple addresses by using a comma (,) and not a semicolon or any other separator as these separators will not allow the multiple addresses to receive the intended mail (example below).

example@example.com, test@test.com, support@sculpturehospitality.com

Step 3: Generate

Generate your report by hitting “Generate”.

– Creates the PDF which is to be sent to the client or recipient. This does NOT send to the client yet.

Step 4: Preview & Send

 – Allows the sender to immediately download a copy of the PDF to be sent.

 – Sends the email on behalf of the pre-configured account and saves the email in the sent mail of the account.

Embedding Images

This route to manually set up and configure images for your batch report use is less advanced than the API method as image embedding will require visiting your google drive, pulling an image’s URL through manual means.

Initial Setup

  1. Make sure you are logged into your @sculpturehospitality.com email account via www.gmail.com.
  2. Visit Google Drive and create a folder by right-clicking in an empty space. Give this folder a relevant name like Batch Report Images
  3. Right-click on the folder and click +SHARE, then click ADVANCED (lower right-hand corner)
  4. Click CHANGE where you see the “who has access” status and set it to PUBLIC and save your changes.
  5. Create subfolders for each of your BARS (Client A, Client B, Client C, and so on) as this is where you’ll be storing the image you take on the site.


If your smartphone will be used to take most of the pictures, you may wish to download the Google Drive app. Any pictures you take can then be saved directly to Google Drive and ready for image embedding in fewer steps.

Adding Image to Email Body of Batch Report

  1. Start your Batch Report email body via the beta server (beta.bevinco2020.com) and when ready to place an image in the body, move on to the next step.
  2. Open up a second browser tab and visit your Google Drive image of interest, right-click on the image, and click SHARE > COPY LINK (note this link want to embed the image so please continue with the final steps).
  3. Visit https://sites.google.com/site/gdocs2direct/.
  4. Paste the copied image share link into the first field and click CREATE DIRECT LINK and it may be useful to bookmark that URL if image embedding is needed often.
  5. Copy the content of that generated direct link as you can be embedding the image into your email with ease.
  6. In the Batch Report Email Body, click the PICTURE button (seen in the toolbar) and paste the generated URL into the field and click INSERT IMAGE.
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