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If you want to export a report and manipulate the data in a fashion to expand on the capabilities of what is currently in place within Bevinco, you will need to export without the Units of Measure attached to the .xlsx file.

Leaving off the Units of Measure allows the excel cell to be numerical instead of alpha-numeric, which can then have additional formulas integrated with it.

Preparing Report

From anywhere within 20/20, locate the Reports button within the main navigation bar on the left side of your screen. Once clicked, it will drop down a list of available reports.  Click on the report type you wish to customize.

Nav Item - Reports

Then click “Customize”

From within the reports page, click Customize. Be aware that the customize button is not available for all types of reports!

Customize Button

Browse to the Miscellaneous Tab

Under the Customize Report title, you will see several tabs.  Click the Miscellaneous tab.

Miscellaneous Tab

Check/Uncheck Do Not Display UOM

Checked: Units of measure will NOT be included on generated report and therefore a user will have full capabilities.

Unchecked: Units of measure will be included on generated report and the report data will not be able to be used in additional functionality.

Do Not Display UOM

Click Save and Go Back

Click the Save and Go Back button just below the title of the report you are running.

Save and Go Back Button

Generate Your Report

Click the Generate button next to the title of the report you are running

Generate Button

Save Your Report to Excel

In the top right of the screen, click  Save to Excel File. This will initiate the download of the report to your computer.

Customize Button

Exporting Reports

Most reports also have the ability to be exported to excel. The following page will explain how to do so

Exporting to Excel

Step 1: Exporting to Excel

Most reports will have the “Save to Excel File” button in the top right of the screen. Exporting this report to excel will create a .xlsx file, a file format common with all 2010 and up Microsoft office systems.


Note: Using an older version of Microsoft Office should work, but you may have issues with compatibility. If this occurs, you may need to save the file as a different version of the name using the “Save As” function.

Open the Downloaded File

Step 2: Open the Downloaded File

Upon selecting “Save to File,” 20/20 will generate a .xlsx file. This file will be downloaded to your computer system. When using a PC, this file will appear in a bar at the bottom of your open window (as seen below). For other operating systems, you will need to navigate to the location where your computer stores downloaded files.


Open the File in Excel

Step 3: Open the File in Excel

After you have downloaded your .xlsx file, you will have full control to edit the numbers however you may choose. A large number of Franchisees have expanded their knowledge with excel and utilized their chart/graph-making abilities. You can view some of these in the Microsoft Office content


Contain Unit of Measure: This feature allows a user to manipulate the data within the exported report. Separating these two would allow you to create a template and expand the client’s reporting capabilities. See Exporting Reports to Edit.

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