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Everything within the Item Setup tab in the online inventory system is your general database.


This database contains ALL of the inventory items [bar codes/weight data/sizes.. etc] accessible to any client associated with your login. Any changes, edits, merge, or other manipulations within Item Setup, will be reflected in ALL clients.

The general database is structured in three (3) levels.


Parent Level (Level 1)


As you can see, “Bud” and “Jack Daniel’s Black” are the parent names for these two items. “Parent Level” or “Level 1” Items contain the following information:

Item Class, Category & Quality

Item Density

Parent level information is distributed to all child items (Level 2 items).

Child/Children Level (Level 2)


At level 2, the  “Bud” and “Jack Daniel’s Black” both have multiple “children.” Each bottle is uniquely identified by a Bar code and/or volume. The Child Level or Level 2 Items contain the following information:

  • Item Description Name “Bottle, Can, Keg…etc.”
  • Item & Size Volume
  • Item & Size Specific Barcode
  • Item & Size Specific “Code” – optional
  • Item & Size Specific Empty & Full Weight

In the case of the Beer (bud), with the item being a “Count Only” item, the weights do not matter since no partials of beers are sold.  Therefore no empty/full weights are displayed. The size is simply defined as a “bottle.”

In the Jack Daniel’s Black example, the sub-items are separated by Bar code and Size (volume). With each Bar code being completely unique (no other item in the General Database can share this code).

Information from the Parent Level (Level 1) is distributed to these Level 2 items. This is because, take Jack Daniel’s Black, for example, the liquor’s density will not change in 1750ml bottle to a 750ml bottle. Additionally, the liquors class, category, or quality will not change by bottle size either.

i.e. a 1750ml bottle of Jack Daniel’s isn’t a “premium” quality over a 50ml.

Group/Package Level (Level 3)


At level 3, the “Bud” bottles all have groupings of 24 of the same item (matching bar codes), a.k.a. a case/package. “Jack Daniel’s Black” on the other hand does not.

As we know from our years of experience, items typically have UPC/Bar codes for the individual item that are different from the case or package.

In our system, a user can build in the item’s case codes to allow for a user to scan a case, and have 24 bottles be counted, and scan the bottle itself for 1 item to appear.

The Group/Package Level 3 Items contains the following information:

  • Package Name
  • Item & Size Specific Grouping Amount (Number of Bottles per case/package… etc)
  • Item & Size Specific Optional Bar codes

hierarchy-6Counting by Case & Item

So what if a user has an item with multiple case/groupings?

If a user scanned 1-24 pack, 1-6 pack, and 15 bottles under Bud (018200110290), the Bevinco 20/20 system would know that there are 45 bottles of Bud on hand.


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