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An existing Bevchek client can have the flow meter data of the kegs directly delivered into the online inventory platform to replace the captured weights of Kegs.

Users will need to request to have the flow meter data connect to the desired beverage account. The benefit of this feature is that flow data kegs connected to the Bevchek system no longer need to be weighed as the on-hand is calculated by a measure of usage.

Requesting Bevchek Service

Service connections must be coordinated by the local franchisee. Please contact your local Sculpture Hospitality rep to inquire.



On-Hand values are calculated based on the previous on-hand quantities, Flow Meter Usage by product, and the invoice purchased quantities.

Requirements & Notes

  • A baseline / initial keg inventory is required to set the foundation of the on-hand values.
  • Keg Purchases via invoice are required each week (Flow Meter Data does not change invoices / purchases of Kegs)
  • If Bevchek data has not been delivered due to technical error / down connection – a data reset is required.

Bevchek Data Usage

Once connected, the BevChek flow data will be used to calculate the on-hand values of the Kegs only.

A user has the ability to turn off individual item flows by use of the “Use Flow for This Item” toggles, or can turn off all flow data by use of the following check box.

Main Screen Overview

 Item Mapping  – Review / Delete all currently mapped items and see the specific item name they map to from Bevchek.
 Remove Downloaded Data – Deletes / Removes all captured flow data from the current period date range.
 Download & Import – Used to download the most recent flow meter data from Bevchek.
 Item Name – The specific brand, as it appears in the user’s general database, in which Bevchek flow meter data is being used to calculate the usage. Kegs listed here are derived from BOTH the initial weighed keg period and the flow meter data.
 Total Flow – The sum of all flow data based on the Bevchek provided data by a specific brand.
 – The “Search Plus” Icon expands into the total measured flow for the inventory item and allows a user to dig deeper into each measured pour.
 Use Flow this Period – The ability to exclude the captured flow meter data of a specific Item from this period’s audit data. This will require the specific keg brand to be weighed on-site for the periods in-which it is turned “Off”.

Downloading & Importing

Data Removal

Data Reset

Resetting your data / Flow Meter Data requires a user to re-weigh your keg(s) to set a new “baseline” inventory. A user would turn off the line or lines, and weigh the kegs in the current period, and then in the future period, turn the line back on.

Item Mapping

The item mapping screen is a display that allows a user to see which items from Bevchek connect to which items in the online inventory system. You can delete an already mapped item by checking the box next to it and selecting “Delete Selected”.

The item mapping feature allows a user to map and remap items as they come from Bevchek into the system. In the example below, the 8 items have come in “new” in the current period upon selecting “download data”. This brings the following screen up, which allows the user to identify the item to connect to.

It is important to pay attention to the Matched Pack / Case to ensure the appropriate item has been selected.

When mapping an item, it is important to map to the most relevant item. See below for additional information.

Total Flow

Selecting the magnifying glass within the Total Flow column will allow you to see the transactional level information for each pour.

Use Flow

Enable or disable a connected flow in a current period.


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