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This article focuses on the finalization process and audit period concept with the online inventory platform.

To finalize an audit simply means to close the audit period you are within. Once closed, you will not have the ability to add, edit, manipulate or change any counts or weights. You can only view information.

All Audits are based on the previous Audit’s counts and weights. If you were to edit a previous week’s information, you would need to open and close each period between the one edited and the current to allow for the periods to all be updated and data to be accurately represented.

Finalizing a Period

Go to the Finalize Period tab in the online system. Click on the Action button that says, “You can finalize this period to create a new period. Click here to proceed”

Finalizing your period will create a new period, and also copy forward all existing data that is “on-hand” to become “previous on-hand”

Re-Opening Periods

Select Finalize Period from Navigation Menu.

From anywhere within the dashboard, locate the Finalize Period button within the main navigation bar on the left side of your screen.

Nav Item - Finalize Period

Select “You can re-open this period by clicking here

Reopening a period unlocks the data, allowing a user to make the appropriate changes. Additionally, reopening a period is necessary when any adjustments are changed have been made to items at the Item Setup level.

Note: After you make your changes in a past period, you will need to close the period in order to see the changes

Edit Audit Period

Select Finalize Period from Nav Menu

Nav Item - Finalize Period

Locate the Audit Period

From the list of Audit Periods that appear, locate the period for which you want to change the dates.

Locate Period to Finalize

Click Within the Period Column

Once you’ve located the Audit Period you wish to update, click within the period column. Be aware, that only periods that are currently Open, can have their dates updated.

Click Within the Period Column

Select New Start and End Dates

Click within the New Starting Date and New Ending Date boxes to pull up a calendar.  Use the calendar to select your new dates. Click Save once you’ve finished selecting your dates.

Select New Date Range


Carrying Data Forward:

When a period is finalized, all sales recipes, order rules adjustments, and other data is copied from the existing into the new period. This allows for each audit period to have different versions of drink mixes and more.

To edit a previous audit’s information you would first reopen the necessary period(s) to make the update and then need to reclose the period(s) to see the change in reporting carry forward.


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