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Reports Overview

The Proofing feature is a useful tool that will help a user identify what brands in an audit period need to be investigated a bit more. This report can be used to help a user know which brands to recount, points out which items look irregular, and helps you give your clients better, more accurate service.

The feature is broken down into 2 parts, Proofing, and then Recounts.

Proofing is the act of reviewing your data and identifying items in your client that should be rechecked, or additional sales/invoice data should be reviewed.


Recounts is inventory focused and built off the proofing report, where instructions are sent to the individual counting and weighing inventory. These instructions ask the individual to recount or check specific brands for verification.

The Proofing reports are what drive the Recounts tool. You must select the brands on the proofing report to generate the recount

Full Proofing

The Full Proofing Report displays all brands that were purchased, used, sold, and on-hand for the past three periods (including the current period). This report allows the user to see the variance trend (both by quantity and %) in the past three periods. It allows users to manually detect any anomalies in variance so they can proof their counts or purchases.

Smart Proofing

The Smart Proofing Report is a report that mirrors the full proofing report, that identifies data trends, while looking at consistency, and identifies values that are inconsistent with previous periods.

The logic summarized is, “If it is not consistent, it is probably wrong”.

This report can be ran at any time, but it most effective when ran after all inventory data, sales and purchases are entered, and prior to and after recounts have occurred. The data represented is most likely true loss.

Logic Breakdown

  1. Rule #1 – Proof a brand if:
    • it is not consistent with the previous audit AND
    • if the variance is roughly a bottle or more (85%)
  2. Rule #2 – Proof a brand if:
    • it has negative usage
  3. Rule #3 – Proof brand if:
    • it is missing 85%+ of a bottle both weeks AND
    • shortage is 90%+ both weeks
  4. Beer Rule – Proof a brand if:
    • variance is more than 6 bottles AND
    • is not consistent with previous audit

Customizing Columns

The proofing reports have a number of columns that are useful for quickly identifying trends in data.

Default Report Columns:

  • Item Name: The brand name of the inventory item as it appears in your item database.
  • Current Used: The current, total measured usage of the brand, calculated from on-hand values and purchases.
  • Current Sold: The current, total quantity of ingredients sold, as defined within the sales recipes for the specific brand.
  • Current Missing: The difference between the measured usage and theoretical sales quantities of the brand.
  • Current % Missing: The difference between the measured usage and theoretical sales quantities of the brand, expressed as a %.
  • Previous Used: Usage as defined above, but for the previous audit period.
  • Previous Sold: Sales as defined above, but for the previous audit period.
  • Previous Missing: Missing as defined above, but for the previous audit period.
  • Previous % Missing: % Missing as defined above, but for the previous audit period.
  • 2 Periods Ago Used: Usage as defined above, but for 2 audit periods back.
  • 2 Periods Ago Sold: Sales as defined above, but for 2 audit periods back.
  • 2 Periods Ago Missing: Missing as defined above, but for 2 audit periods back.
  • 2 Periods Ago % Missing: % Missing as defined above, but for 2 audit periods back.

Additional Columns:

  • Current Purchase: The total quantity of the specific brand that has been purchased in the current period.
  • % Difference: The difference between missing and used of a particular brand, expressed as a %.

Export Options

The proofing reports have the ability to exported in the following manner:

  • Excel (.xlsx)


These reports are intended to be reviewed, and then used to generated the recounts report which has additional export functionality.

Save Recount

When you mark or check an item for recount, and hit “Save Recount”, you have the ability to see the brand’s inventory data at a more granular level, input recounting instructions, and send that report to anyone.

For more information, see the Recount Report

Important Note: 

A Recount Report can be generated on multiple occasions within a single period. We do not save previous versions, each save & generate creates a new recount report. You will be prompted with a warning like below for this.

Regenerating a report does NOT change the URL that is generated though. Meaning you can edit/change your recounts and have field users simply reselect what was sent previously.

Proofing Tips

Negative Usage is always wrong. Negative usage means an item or brand grew, without explanation, from the previous period. This could be due to a missing invoice, miss count in the previous period, or another behavior that made the stock increase. Always investigate negative usage.

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