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Invoice Overview


Automatic Invoice Downloader

Some clients may be utilizing a feature that would allow you to automatically download purchases.


Step 1: Select Check New Purchases


Step 2: Select Invoices you would like to import into Purchases.

Note: The “Check New Purchases” button will only appear if a user is using an automated sales downloader system and have alerted the Global office

Creating an Invoice

The following are the steps to create a new Invoice, and how to add items to that invoice.

Once navigating to the Purchases tab, you will need to select “Add New Invoice” in the top right corner to begin the process.

On your invoice page, you will find all invoices which you have created within that Audit Period. For quick reference, you can view the invoice number and running total costs of the items on the invoices you have input.

Step 1: Build the Invoice Sheet

The first step brings you to a page that allows you to define your Vendor, the invoice’s date, and invoice number. It is important to fill out each blank.

The Vendor name will propagate from the Vendor Names you have created earlier.

Clicking within the Invoice Date box will also bring up a calendar.


Note: If you have not created a vendor under “Vendor Setup”, you will receive an error and need to navigate to vendor setup to create the new vendor you are adding.

Step 2: Adding Items to the Invoice

When adding items to your invoice, it must be an item you have already created under item setup or exist in your General Bar Data File.

You can add an item to an invoice by typing in the Description, Barcode, or Product Code (item number).

The item will automatically propagate from your items bank and the information will appear including the previous price recorded in the previous audit period.


If your item does not appear, switching between “Inventory Only” and “Entire Database” may solve your problem.


invoice-8 The invoice will search all current inventory contained within the Inventory, Full Counts & Weights tab.

invoice-9 The invoice will search all current inventory contained within your entire system. This searches all created items and prep items.

Step 3: Choosing Individual Unit Size

Once your item propagates using either “Inventory Only” or “Entire Database” you will need to enter a quantity. It is important to be aware of the Drop Down Menu in this step. As you can see in the example below, the different package sizes also appear within the Unit of Measure.

Note: The invoice entry screen is color-coded. All Yellow / Orange fields are simply ID / Information, anything in the green columns directly affects the Unit Cost / Pricing of the individual item, and lastly, anything in the blue columns is auxiliary pricing that does not have any consequence on pricing/unit cost.



Step 4: Adding Price to the Item

After determining the Quantity purchased, you will need to input the Unit price of the item purchased as it appears on the invoice.

Make sure you are paying attention to the number of items purchased, the package sizes, and the costs. Invoices come in a variety of formats and not all are entirely clear.

Invoice Item Prices are propagated from the previous week’s purchase price.


Remove Zero Purchases

Use this tool to remove any items with Zero “0” Quantity Purchased. This tool may be useful if an invoice becomes crowded with too many items over the previous periods.

Using the “Remove Zero Purchase” feature will remove all items on an invoice that have a quantity of zero.



Invoice Colors Explained

Show Column Settings

Using Column Settings, a user can add additional data fields to the individual invoices. See below for more details.

NOTE: Changing the Total Deposit will overwrite and “0” all individual Deposits


Downloading an Invoice

Downloading an Invoice: Bevinco 20/20 provides a user the ability to download their invoices as a .csv

Step 1: Select the “Download a CSV”



Step 2: Name and Save Invoice to the preferred location.


Note: The Default invoice name is the Invoice Number

Step 3: Open Invoice File


Moving Invoices to Another Period

This is a feature to be used if an invoice has been put into the wrong period

Step 1: Select Invoice

Select the Invoice that needs to be moved to another period by checking the box next to the Invoice

Step 2: Move Invoice

Select the Blue Move Selected Invoices to Another Period button on the right side of the screen


Step 3: Choose Period

Select the new period you wish to move the selected period into. You will be able to select from a drop-down menu of all available open periods


Note: If there are no open periods available a screen will pop up saying so


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